We reiterate that the intention of the Manifesto is not to create a collective.
The goal is to push on the action of the individual, which becomes multiplicity.
"A vital, spiritual impulse of action, indissolubly linked only and uniquely to the individual himself."
This plan of action may sound utopian, but it is not, it is based on real fact.Where there is a void, that void will be filled.
Venice at this moment is definitively emptied and will be filled
by speculators (this is happening from many years already)
or from the world of illegality (mafias of various types)
or by enterprising individuals of good will who wants to give a sense to this place.
Nobody helps those who try, help always comes after the firsts actions. No illusions.
The rents of the Venetian apartments are unacceptable. Often old houses, not renovated, rented at unacceptable prices.
Paying the rent in a place where you study or work is an investment, if this investment prevents the construction of your life, it becomes an expense. Just as you save on food shopping if you can't survive, you also cut back on the cost of your home.
In this period of pandemic crisis (with consequent economic crisis), this reasoning is valid twice. Venice is dead. -14,000 jobs compared to last year.
The owner's property remains an investment, an asset. It is a real estate asset that remains available to those who own it.
Everyone, each in their own life: let's stop signing the rental guarantee (to parents or any relatives), we immediately ask for (a justified) lowering of the rents. If the individually request is not successful, we knock at the neighborings apartment, offer a coffee and talk sincerely, openly, trying to work as a team.
It is in the nature of Venice to welcome passing people, artists, artisans, fishermen, traders, people of all kinds.
This is still possible, if every single one takes action to do it. Whatever your passion is, bring it into play here, in this city. Invest here. If you start doing it, your neighbors and neighbors' neighbors will too.
Your passion is agriculture and have you studied for it? Go to Sant'Erasmo and ring at every intercom until they are forced to pick you up, at least as volunteers at the weekend and from there you start your way.
Do you want to be a fisherman and no one has ever taught you? Go to Pellestrina and knock on every door of every boat.
Are you a street musician and they don't let you play? Fill in the mailbox of the municipality, the councilor, tell all your friends, walk while you play.
Etc. etc!
Certainly we study, prepare ourselves, acquire skills to think about medium-term projects, but in the meantime, let's complain to those in charge, every day, we disturb the peace of those we need to disturb. Being polite doesn't mean being limp.
Let's take action in all possible ways to put down the first stones of our projects in Venice.
This pandemic, combined with Acqua Granda, has made everyone flee, not only the residents, but also the shopkeepers. The premises set up for studios and commercial activities are the first to be targeted by speculators and criminals. They are the first to be caught.
Thought of a project on Venice, each of us must proceed by calling all the spaces in which he meets a sign with the words "For Sale / Rent" always pushing the button of a radical lowering of the rent, in exchange for a project (in to become) on Venice.
Today no gains are made, the foundations are laid for a different future. If the owners don't understand it, they have to understand it.
Sometimes you will hear the answer that "your project is not able to satisfy the request for € 4,000 of rent" and we invite you to do a long raspberry who snubs you like this, insisting, why not, in some subsequent calls reiterating your request. Other times they will tell you that the owner is willing to lower the rent for a project in Venice, other than the sale of junk.
Start by persistently asking for the possibility of your own studio, proposing a restructuring of small things if necessary and a medium-term agreement for something more pulpy and complete. We repeat: today you do not earn, you lay the foundations.
If we are many, each with his own project and his idea, we could take back spaces of the city.
Let's move to Venice's historic center, Murano, Burano, Lido, any island in the lagoon.
If we want to live in Venice, we live in the lagoon.
In this city there are still commercial activities that are proactive or consistent with the spirit of the city!
Bacari (bars) who propose a moment of sharing in line with Venice.
Restaurants offering quality food. Who buy their products locally.
Bookstores that do not sell autogrill books, but try to create a wide and varied offer.
Thrift shops very useful for those who live in the sestieri (districts).
Food services that bring food home by boat in respect of the city.
Agricultural activities that do not hire illegally, who try to work in order and take care of the territory.
Galleries and art exhibitions that do not always promote the same circle of artists, but try to grow new ones.
Etc etc etc!
Positive realities exists, even if crushed by everything around them! Go to these activities in our life, don't go to those who exploit the city and people anymore.
(The commercial activities that are reviewed in this Manifesto, can tell their story and also ask to be recognizable through a sticker "Dead Venice" that we will send them at cost of production. Just write us a message! Or alternatively download the stencil and act as they see fit!)
One of the most important steps is this. The only way we have to put this Manifesto and this Plan of Action into practice is to communicate it. Count on us, let our stories know. Let our neighbor, our friend, know that we are taking action. We are doing all of this right now.
To do this, we have several ways.
1. Buy a gadget from Venezia Morta (an online store will be active in a few days, the costs will be the production costs, no gain from anyone).
2. Create at home a gadget with the "Venezia Morta" logo that we leave you at the bottom of this page (A4 PDF format) that you can download and use as a stencil for t-shirts, flags to hang on the window or whatever you want.
3. Use the hashtag #VeneziaMorta on social networks when you post something concerning: the personal achievement of one of the objectives listed above (lowering the rent, starting a project in Venice, publishing online photos of renting / selling signs), if you publish content that expose the degradation of the city or an action, an activity, a proposal, in line with the propositional spirit of the Manifesto. But above all, publish!
4. Talk about it with your friends, colleagues, family. Talk about what you are doing, that you are asking for a lower rent, that you got it, how you did it, ask for advice, talk about the project you are about to implement. In short, spread the word! Let's talk!
5. Write your story on the Venice Dead Blog.
6. Spread the Manifesto! On social media or by printing it and passing it on to friends.
Condividete anche quelli che incontrate, sui social con i vostri contatti e l'hashtag #veneziamorta!